Dream of Darkness
Dream of Darkness
Reginald Hill
ORIG voice of uganda 16/7/75 (PHOTOC)
The body found by a burnt-out car in a gully some distance off the Entebbe road has been identified as belonging to Mrs Sarah Ellis, wife of Mr Nigel Ellis of the UK High Commission Office in Kampala.
Mrs Ellis had been missing for two days after failing to meet her sister-in-law at Entebbe airport, from Nairobi. A spokesman for the Public Safety Unit said it looked as if Mrs Ellis had been killed by a blow from a panga. The PSU are working on the theory that a gang of kondis hijacked the car with a view to robbery but abandoned it after Mrs Ellis resisted and received the fatal blow in the struggle.
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ali Towelli, said that all branches of the Security Forces were treating this outrage with the utmost seriousness. Those who performed acts of violence against Uganda’s citizens and friends should expect no mercy.
His Excellency, Al-Hajji Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada VC, DSO, MC, Life President of the Republic, was informed of the tragedy as he chaired a plenary session of the Organization of African Unity Summit Meeting at the International Conference Centre, and immediately sent a personal message of sympathy to Mr Nigel Ellis, his daughter (5), and his sister, Miss Celia Ellis.
Sairey Ellis lay awake, or dreamed she lay awake, all the rest of the night, but even the longed-for dawn was the pinched grey of her mother’s face as she lay in her coffin.
Is she dead?
I don’t know. I don’t know what dead is.
What do you do?
I scream out. I struggle.
Is someone holding you?
Yes, it’s Daddy. Daddy has me in his arms.
What does he do?
He hands me to Aunt Celia.
And what does Celia do?
In parts, the Dream was almost too vivid for recall, its scenes like flashes of bright light which burn themselves on the retina and leave shards of colour flickering between the eyes and reality.
She presses me to her breast. She carries me out of the room and down the corridor.
What do you see? What do you hear?
There’s moonlight flooding through the window and a smell of rotting flowers and the sound of crickets and a dog barking and it’s very warm.
It had come upon her with adolescence and almost destroyed her. Still, she never told her Dream, clutching it to her like an incestuous secret. But she had not been able to hide its effects. Her father had sent for Dr Varley, who had reassuringly diagnosed the cause of her sleep-lessness as ‘girlish nightmares, pretty commonplace actually, all hormonal, don’t y’ know? She’ll grow out of them.’ And it had seemed his breezy complacency was justified when, as she reached physical maturity, the Dream had faded to a nightmare memory.
Where does Celia take you?
Up the stairs towards my room. But I break free and she has to let me go and I run back downstairs and Daddy’s standing there in the moonlight closing this long box and I won’t let him and I look inside again and I can see … I can see … I can see … Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!
At eighteen, life seemed good. School was behind her, and ahead, if her A-levels were good enough, lay Cambridge. She spent the first half of the vacation in Spain with her stepmother. At 28 Masham Square, their London home, they had a relationship of Swiss neutrality. But in Spain, Fanny Ellis proved an ideal companion. With Fanny, you sailed into all the best places and were greeted as a valued friend by head waiters and Castilian grandees alike. Here, her sophisticated elegance was a bunk-up not a put-down, and her emotional withdrawal came across as tolerant non-interference. So, over five sybaritic weeks, Sairey’s Cambridge reading list got only gently dented, but her skin took on a rich chestnut tan which made her re-shade her short spikey hair from shocking pink to olive green.
Nigel Ellis remained in London. Since his retirement he had started working on a book of memoirs and he claimed he was far too busy for a holiday. When Sairey suggested he could work just as well in Spain, he laughed and said, ‘The only safe place for a star is under a spotlight.’
Being mysterious was a habit of his some people seemed to find endearing.
Towards the end of August, Sairey and Fanny returned to Number 28 to find Nigel in high spirits. His work was going well, it seemed, and Sairey’s Cambridge place had just been confirmed by exam results even better than expected. That night they went out for an extravagant celebration dinner which left Sairey feeling more certainly a member of a united family than ever before. As she lay, wine-drowsy, in her bed, the future seemed secure, the present full of pleasures, and the past a melancholy memory, without power to harm. So, contented, she fell asleep.
Then the Dream came with such force that she brought its terror with her as she burst back into waking. The darkness seemed thick and cobwebby; she was stifling in it! Desperate for the world of air, she ran downstairs and out of the front door.
She’d no idea what time it was. Most windows were dark, but a big red BMW moved slowly towards her between the rows of parked vehicles. She shrank back into the doorway as its headlights caressed her bare limbs. Then it was passing and she was in the dark once more. But the bright, animal eyes of the man’s face that filled the passenger window seemed to take in the whole of her body, as though darkness were no defence. The face looked familiar. Perhaps he was a neighbour. But the car crawled round the whole Square without stopping and finally disappeared towards the main road.
She didn’t want to go back in, but she felt too vulnerable standing there on the step. She took a breath, plunged back into the hall, grabbed a light raincoat, then ran across the road and slipped through the railings of the little park at the centre of the Square. Where its gravel walks crossed stood a dilapidated summer-house, and this was where she headed. Already she felt some of her tension easing. Despite its smallness, entering the park was like escaping to the country. Here, the air felt cooler, fresher, and the burr of the distant traffic was eased out by softer, closer sounds, rustlings and scutterings in the grass; wind in the trees; water tinkling over stones.
Except that there was no water course in the park.
She soon found her answer. The gardener’s tap by the summer-house had been left running. She stooped to turn it off and noticed a balled-up handkerchief on the ground. She picked it up. It was sodden wet. And under the cool of the water there was something warm and sticky. She let the thing drop in distaste and saw in the dim starlight that her fingers were discoloured. Turning on the tap again, she let the water wash the brown stain away. And somewhere quite close, as if someone had been waiting for a covering noise, she heard a long soft exhalation of breath.
It said much for the horror of the Dream that her sense of refuge was still strong enough to counter this new fear.
‘Who’s there?’ she said sharply.
At the side of the summer-house, the darkness stirred. The new fear took a sudden surge. She might have screamed but before she could, a voice from the road called her name.
‘Sairey! Sairey! What the hell are you doing in there?’
It was her father. She doubted if she’d disturbed him, but Fanny, who seemed to need no sleep, had probably noticed her exit.
The sound of his voice gave her courage. Nigel Ellis brought to the active life what his wife brought to the social – the promise of being perfectly equipped to meet any crisis.
‘Who are you?’ she demanded. ‘What do you want?’ The darkness stirred again, a shadow advanced, began to form itself into a shape. I must be mad, thought Sairey. Daddy’s well into his fifties, and he’
s sixty yards away. Even if I scream now, I can still have my throat cut open before he gets anywhere near.
But screaming seemed the best option. She opened her mouth, then let out only a gasp which had as much of pity as terror in it, as a face floated to the surface of the dark. It was a young man’s face, fine-featured, with skin as golden as the image of an ikon, but it was a gilt in need of repair. Blood from his nose crusted his upper lip, while from the lower it still flowed fresh. His left eye was closed with a rainbow swelling, while his right cheek bore a contusion shaped like a star. As her sight adjusted she saw that he was dressed in muddied jeans and a tee shirt ripped in half to reveal more of that lovely golden skin whose colour had not been won from the Spanish sun.
‘Sairey! Come out of there at once! Please.’
Her father was sounding angry. She glanced in his direction and could glimpse his lanky figure against the light spilling from the open front door of the house. She returned her gaze to the wounded boy and gasped as she saw his hand reach out towards her.
‘Sairey,’ he murmured, echoing her father. ‘Sairey.’
The name seemed to amuse him, or perhaps it was a grimace of pain not an attempt at a smile which curled his lips. Whatever, Sairey didn’t want him to touch her. She took a step back and almost stumbled. The raincoat slipped from her shoulders and she felt the night air, chill as frost against her skin. The young man let his reaching hand fall. But he still smiled, like an old friend at an unexpected meeting.
Sairey turned and ran towards her father.
Nigel Ellis was in his pyjamas but Fanny, sitting in the lounge with a cigarette in her hand and a book on her knee, was fully clothed. The little clock with the mechanical bluebirds which had belonged to Sairey’s mother sang half past midnight. The Dream must have been waiting for her just around the corner of sleep.
Fanny smiled and said, ‘Hello,’ as if greeting them on their return from an evening stroll, then let her gaze drop to her book. Twenty-five years younger than her husband, she had that limpid, nerveless English beauty which can last for ever if life isn’t allowed to trouble it.
‘Darling, what happened? What were you doing out there?’ asked her father again, his long narrow face filled with a concern now matched by his tone. Outside, he had sounded merely annoyed.
As Sairey debated her reply, Fanny said, ‘Weren’t you wearing a raincoat when you went on your little walkabout, dear?’
‘Was I? I must have dropped it. I’ll get it in the morning. Sorry, Daddy. I just couldn’t sleep and wanted some air. Sorry if I disturbed anyone. Goodnight.’
She didn’t offer to kiss either of them, but left immediately. In the hall she closed the door firmly behind her, then paused to listen. She had discovered this desperate need to know what people were saying about her at an early age. Eavesdropping made her feel guilty, and she rarely heard anything which made her feel good, but kicking the habit was proving very difficult.
‘I hope to God it’s not those nightmares again,’ said her father uneasily. ‘I hope she wasn’t working too hard in Spain.’
‘Only at getting a tan,’ said Fanny lightly.
‘You did keep an eye on her, Fan?’
‘Yes, I did. We got on rather better there, as a matter of fact. But if you wanted full-scale parental supervision, you really should have come yourself.’
‘You know I couldn’t. Any trouble and I want it on my own ground.’
‘And is there trouble?’
‘Nothing that I didn’t forecast. Their predictability is almost criminal. So you think that Sairey’s OK?’
‘I think so. But if you’re really worried, don’t ask me, ask John Varley.’
‘Yes,’ said Nigel Ellis. ‘I might just do that, if … I might just do that.’
Sairey went silently up the stairs and into her room. She didn’t switch on the light, but stood by the window and looked down into the park. By daylight it was a rather dusty rectangle of scrubby shrubs and trees designed to give the inhabitants of the tall Victorian terraces a taste of the country in town.
But by night it seemed deep and bosky, a swaying, melodious grove in which a girl could get lost, or worse.
She strained her eyes to glimpse the hurt boy but could see nothing but the swaying of branches.
Why hadn’t she mentioned him? Because he was none of their business. Not her father’s, not Fanny’s. Not even her own. Unless, of course, he were part of her Dream. Perhaps this, too, was still part of her Dream. If so, at least it was a better part than what lay in wait for her behind closed eyelids. She settled down to keep the long vigil to daylight.
And so she lay awake, or dreamed she lay awake, all the rest of the night. But even the longed-for dawn was the pinched grey of her mother’s face as she lay in her coffin.
ORIG a dream of darkness TYPSC (PHOTOC)
A Dream of Darkness
Emergent Africa and the new colonialism
Nigel Ellis MBE
The Dark Continent, that’s what they used to call Africa. We sent missionaries to convert it, soldiers to conquer it, farmers to tame it, merchants to exploit it, and finally, politicians to buy it.
That was the Western dream, to own Africa. But despite all our efforts, it’s still the Dark Continent, still up for grabs.
Only, this time it’ll take more than a boxful of Bibles, a few glass beads and a Union Jack.
The main difference between the old colonialism and the new, is that then we interfered openly and by force, now we interfere covertly and by bribery, by treachery, by corruption.
This book is no academic analysis of Western influence and interference in African affairs. It is simply the recollections of an old African hand, telling no more than he knows. And in case that sounds rather disingenuous, perhaps I’d better start by telling you a little about myself.
I’m no saint, no tinpot, holier-than-thou holder of the nation’s conscience. Nor am I one of your true blue, cloak-and-dagger boys, grounded at Eton and groomed at Oxbridge. True, I did go to a so-called public school, but not one of the magic inner circle, more a doss-house for the sons of nostalgic ex-pats. And true, I did go on to University, but it was London not Oxbridge, and it only took a year for us to part, by mutual agreement.
That’s what I’m not. So to what I am.
I was born on my father’s farm near Nyeri, in Kenya. I was the second child, though I understand there had been several unsuccessful attempts to provide my father with a son and heir since my sister’s birth fourteen years earlier. Perhaps that’s what wore my mother out. Whatever the cause, when I was eighteen months old she died and Celia, my sister, thereafter took on my upbringing and the running of the household.
My childhood was happy. The farm was prosperous so I never wanted for anything, but neither my father nor my sister spoilt me. I led a hard and healthy outdoor life and the only indulgence I obtained was getting my English-based education postponed till I was nearly fifteen. After three not too unhappy school years and the previously mentioned abortive university year, I wasn’t yet ready to settle down to farming, so I took a short-term commission in the King’s African Rifles. Mau Mau was just beginning and it felt good to have the prospect of some immediate active service. Young men are naturally bloodthirsty and more often than not, it’s their own blood they slake their thirst on. I had a more tragic lesson. Our farm was one of the first to be attacked. The farmhouse was torched to the ground and my father savagely assaulted and left for the flames to finish off. Fortunately, my sister, who had been in the barn when the attack started, remained hidden till the terrorists left. Then, with great courage, she pulled our father from the burning house and managed to keep him alive till help came.
That experience turned my father into an old man. His hair went white and he was never able to walk again without a stick. But the greater damage was done to
his spirit. If it had been a question of keeping the farm going till he recovered, I would, of course, have resigned my commission and returned to Nyeri. But he had lost his trust in Africa and wanted out. Celia, too, seemed eager to go ‘home’ and, coincidentally, the short lease on which we let the family house in Masham Square in London was coming up for renewal. So it was decided to sell up in Kenya. It was sad, of course, to see the farm sold, and sadder still to wave them off from Mombasa as soon as Father was fit to travel. But I had no desire to be going with them, and I must confess I was not too distressed at the prospect of not having to devote my life to the repetitive slog of running a farm.
After my stint of soldiering, I looked for something else to do. The old colonial service seemed just the ticket, keeping the Queen’s Peace by your wits as well as your weapons. But the wind of change was blowing hard, and ‘colonial’ was already a dirty word. It was clear that when independence came, those of us wanting to stay on would have to negotiate different terms.
Aid is the diplomatic pronunciation of ‘dash’, and there seemed an endless supply on offer. An acquaintance at the UK High Commission invited me to apply for the post of advisor in the agricultural division of something called the Bureau of Economic Co-operation. It was government-funded, he told me, delicately situated somewhere between the Home Civil Service and the Overseas Diplomatic Service so that its officials could operate with minimum red tape. I scented a rat immediately, and after ten minutes of my interview the smell was so pungent that I said to the interviewer, ‘OK, expert you might be, but agricultural you’re not. I doubt if you could tell beans from broccoli if they weren’t on your plate. So what’s this really about?’
His name was Joe Lightoller, and to his credit he didn’t mess about, but quickly confirmed what I’d already guessed. As our old colonies became ‘foreign powers’ it was imperative to set up a system to replace the instant access to influence and information we had hitherto enjoyed as a right. The Bureau had been set up at the end of the war to help cope with our security needs in the wreckage of Europe. Now, its influence was extending to the wreckage of Empire. My long connection with East Africa, my excellent contacts, linguistic expertise, plus (for I will not pretend this was altogether the seduction of an innocent) a certain aptitude for military intelligence work displayed during my stint with the KAR, had attracted their attention. The job was mine for the taking.